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Doctor & Hospital

Health & Care -» Doctor & Hospital

Find a danish physician / doctor in your area or locate danish hospitals where you can get treatment and health information.

Nurse equipment from

Nurse equipment from

We have all kinds of nurse watches, pocket bags for the nurse and everything who goes in the pocket.

Also we have alot og packet for the student, nursery, and so on.
We supplies engraving of the nurse watches..
View Site Info: Nurse equipment from SiteInfo -»

Privatlægen - Privat lægevagt

Privatlægen - Privat lægevagt

Privatlæ is your private doctor. Privatlægen offer medical consult in your home, hotel or cruise ships when you want it.
Our services also include blood samples and analysis of blood.
You may call Privatlægen if you feel pain or immediate need for the doctor..
View Site Info: Privatlægen - Privat lægevagt SiteInfo -»